Linggo, Setyembre 30, 2012

Informal Theme #6


To be or not to be: that is the question
Fear of the ambiguity of death and suicide damnation
Opting between dying or living in desperation
Is not a minute matter but a huge mystification

To be or not to be: that is the question
Perhaps, Life may seem awful but death is downer
Committing suicide is like penetrating a dungeon
No looking back: Dreading much than ever

To be or not to be: that is the question
Choose to breathe rather than to walk the unknown
Life has much to offer than imagination
So desire to subsist and value each second

Linggo, Setyembre 9, 2012

Informal Theme #2.5

Mistaken Identities.
            “Another lesson, another Shakespearean play”, that was my exact reaction the time I stepped my first foot inside the TRC. I saw again the usual way of presentations, a powerpoint presentation, a projector and a whole lot more. “The Comedy of Errors”, I never heard of this book before and to my honest opinion, the title seems boring since I am not that fond of comedies. Hence, this work was made by Shakespeare so let’s give it a try.
            As its name implies, I thought of jokes and laughter and in that note, I was wrong. What makes the story humorous is the plot itself. The story was about two twins separated by a shipwreck searching for each other. The wrong identification of the two twins was hilarious specially the moment when Antipholus of Ephesus asked for money from Dromio of Syracuse then Dromio of Ephesus came and gave a rope.
            We encountered a lot of confusions and misconceptions while discussing. It is not only because of the names but also because of the popping questions from our minds. There must be any single difference from the two because they could not be exactly the same in body structure, in attitude and in many other traits. And maybe, there should be a part in the story that the supporting characters are confused but there’s none.
            The story was excellent and I realized that it is fun but when the time they showed us the video, I felt a different way. Throughout the story, I thought that both Dromios and Antipholuses are close friends or better but in the video, Antipholus of Ephesus is a cruel master to his servant. It clearly shows the discrimination between those fortunates and those impoverished. If it was slapstick and was intended to give fun to viewers, then it was absolutely not effective on my part.
            Another great play down, and six more to come. I really enjoyed this piece of art and I am truly overwhelm of what the other accounts has to offer. 

Informal Theme #2.4

Another step up.
            Time really passes too quickly, right? I could still remember those times that I am just the height of my mother’s waist and now, I am about to fold another page of my book. Hence, there are too many flaps to choose from and we are indeed in need for help.
            Test. This may be the greatest enemy of students. Who would like to go back to those restlessness nights spent on reviewing those lessons that you used to forget, right? But NCAE is not like any other assessments. Taking this test seriously would mean a guide for us in choosing the course we are about to take.
            This test, at first glance, is just like a regular examination; no too much attention should be given off. However, as I grew older I learned to understand its value. Not all Filipinos are fortunate to have much wealth and are capable to penetrate universities so before they enter college, they must decide undoubtedly. I consider myself fortunate because in midst of all the problems and complications, I am still confident that I will be able to finish my education.
            This assessment may also be a great help to those high school students who are still undecided on the course they will take. They will not encounter difficulty in choosing and no money nor will time be wasted. On the other side of the road, this may also solve unemployment in the Philippines. They said that there are sufficient jobs; the only problem is that graduates are not fit to those jobs and are misled to wrong courses.
            At the end of the day, all of this will just be a guide. We still hold our freedom to decide but above the rest, we must always ask for the guidance of the Lord Almighty in every choice that we will make.

Informal Theme #2.3

Now, that’s Fair!

            “Intrams, yey!” People in our school celebrate whenever they hear this. It’s like their hearts jump for joy and excitement. Why? It is because in our vocabulary, this symbolizes a 2-day rest from homework, lectures, projects and a lot more. This happens once a year so weeks before this, you would see kids in our campus bringing their balls and rackets, eagerly practicing their rusting abilities.

            July 22, 2012- That day has come and was extremely damp yet it was not enough to overcome the desire of the students to over generously launch the Intramurals 2012. This year, the names of the teams of each year level were chosen from football teams namely, Green Celtics, Yellow Madrid, Red Bayern and Blue Chelsea. A total of 12 games were played plus the pageant for Ms. And Mr. Physique and the new in the group, Dance sport. Throughout the activity, there were deafening shout and yells coming from each team’s crowd.

            The activity seems so fun, right? Nevertheless, nothing can be as flawless as we think of it. Before Intrams has ended, a scorching issue lighted up. There were rumors and accusations from our side that irritated the other team. The problem got bigger and more people got involved. This matter made me think what the real cause of it is. Is it the unfair judgment of the scorers or is it our difficulty in accepting our defeat?

             Sportsmanship, yes, maybe that’s the word. We lack sportsmanship. We neglected the fact that Intrams is not only for gamesmanship but also for valuing student leadership and humility. Our expectations overwhelmed us too much that we didn’t see ourselves stepping on others. Instead of proving other squads that we could win the title cleanly, we showed them that we are risk takers and that we are very hungry for the trophy.

            Yes, sport is essential to our lives since this encourages us to walk onto a healthier lifestyle that our daily tasks require us to have. Hence, before entering this, we must ensure that we have molded ourselves into a good sportsman. A fine sportsman knows how to play fair, recognizes camaraderie and discipline, and most of all, remains jovial even in the event of defeat.
Red Bayern during the game of Basketball Boys