Biyernes, Enero 4, 2013

Informal Theme#3.2

Indirect, Direct, Oh Please.

Time: Lunch break
Place: inside the room

It was a boring time. I and Jessa talked to somewhat break the boredom. “ Hey Jessa, how were you?”, I started.

“Good as new. Haha” Jessa responded. “So how was your new year?”

“Nah. Boring.However, I guess things are new this year. We had somewhat a bigger feast. Haha. We cooked and invented on the stocks in our fridge. And you?”

“New Year is boring. I spent it with my cousins. We cooked out favorite foods and talked about our happy memories.”

“Happy memories, you really want happy memories? Haha just kidding. Are you done with the homeworks? Projects I mean. Projects are hidden home tasks you know.” I said.

“I’m not yet done with the projects and I guess you’re right. These projects are destructing our vacation.”

            “I get your point. I extremely get your point. Haha but in my case, it did not. Maybe somewhat yes but just on the last days. Cramming is my forte. OUR forte.” I assumed it jokingly.

            “Yes! Our forte!” she answered. She also said that she thinks that it is not just a mastery to us but a lot of students. Mostly the students of Cavite Science: the school that was supposed to be for industrious and worker students.

            “Yes workers! Workers on late Sunday and before classes” I also told her that I have been through this a lot and yet never learned a lesson.

            “Yes most of us are crammers. We usually cram just to meet deadlines.”

            “Yes but not all.” I even exaggerated that if this trait is cancerous we would be on the last stage.

            She then responded with a laugh. “If that’s so then we might have died long time ago!”

            “How about Gem? She cram a lot even those projects which are to be passed the next weeks.” She added.

            “Haha No way. They are nerds. They will never belong to us. By the way, why are you constantly sending me requests on facebook? I’m not fond of using apps there.”

            “That’s my cousin. He told me that he is using my account for playing. Don’t worry I changed my password already. He cannot use my facebook anymore” she answered.

            “Haha no problem. I’m not easily annoyed by popping notifs” I said. “ Ah good. Wait, be right back. You should listen to this one. She’s Andrea Gibson. She is incredibly talented. She carry away people through her poems. I’m a fan.”

            “Yes, I was carried away by the way he speaks.”

            “It’s he not she”

            Jessa said sorry and I responded that I was not correcting her. I’m just informing her that Andrea is a lesbian and a proud activist so there’s nothing to be sorry about.

            “Emotion flows from her work more than any I’ve heard. Before, my cousin said that Andrea is such an inspiring person but I just ignored her. I believe her now I guess.”

            “Better if you will listen more to her works specially to A Letter to the Playground Bully.” I recommended her.

            “Oh that sounds interesting. What about that?”

            “Haha just listen and be amazed. O wait, I need to go now. There is still a meeting I should attend.” I waved her goodbye.

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